Gyroid noise from
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#version 300 es precision highp float; uniform float iTime; in vec2 vScreen; out vec4 fragColor; float gyroid (vec3 seed) { return dot(sin(seed),cos(seed.yzx)); } float fbm (vec3 seed) { float result = 0., a = .5; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { // extra spicy twist seed.z += result*.5; // bounce it with abs result += abs(gyroid(seed/a))*a; a /= 2.; } return result; } float noise (vec2 p) { // improvise 3d seed from 2d coordinates vec3 seed = vec3(p, length(p) - iTime * .025); // make it slide along the sin wave return sin(fbm(seed)*7.)*.5+.5; } void main() { = vec3(noise(vScreen)); }