60.0 fps

Matrix Rain

Based on matrix - 255 char by FabriceNeyret2: shadertoy.com/view/4tlxr4 compacting to 2-tweets patriciogv's Matrix shader shadertoy.com/view/mlfxzn ( 819 -> 255 chars ) But first go see patriciogv's comments and readable sources :-D

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precision highp float;

uniform float iTime;

#define R fract(43.*sin(dot(p,p)))

void main() {
    vec2 i = gl_FragCoord.xy, j = fract(i*=.1), 
         p = vec2(9,int(iTime*(9.+8.*sin(i-=j).x)))+i;
    vec4 o = vec4(0); o.g=R; p*=j; o*=R>.5&&j.x<.6&&j.y<.8?1.:0.;
    gl_FragColor = o;